HAVI is a privately managed, global company, which develops, optimizes and promotes logistic and marketing solutions for well-known brands worldwide. As part of the standardization of global processes the yearly talent management process was standardized for 900 employees in over 40 countries.
In order to present the company′s development possibilties entertaining and understandable to the employees, Svenja Van Eeckhaut (Director –Global Talent Management) contacted DAILOGBILD. The result of the collaboration is a vivid dialogue film, which shows with the help of a metaphor how employees can help shape their own path at HAVI. This can only succeed if the employees are encouraged in an open dialogue.
Besides an evaluation of the HAVI-specific core competencies, further potentials and talents are identified and adjusted with worldwide development possibilities.
The focus is here on the message that everybody contributes different skills and talents to the company and only with a purposeful talent management the best synergy is possible. Just in term of the claim „ONE HAVI“.
The storyline for the film was developed by DIALOGBILD and HAVI together in a workshop. The film was produced in five different languages. After the production the HAVI core compentencies were provided as icons for the usage in presentations or learning tools. To support a consistent communication the individual scenes were jointed to an overall picture which gives an overview of the single steps. Due to the mix of communcation media HAVI is able to communicate the talent management to over 40 countries by means of a consistent and catchy imagery.

„DIAOGBILD successfully supported us in developing a suitable medium to bring more transparency to our talent management process. The film illustrates very good what talent management means at HAVI and what kind of possibilities it offers to our employees.
For us, it was important to emphasize that our employees have a high responsibility regarding their personal development and that self-initative will be rewarded. Our HR colleagues in over 40 countries are excited, since now it is far easier for them to spark our employees interests.
We are looking forward to further collaboration with DIALOGBILD!“


The metaphor of a canteen kitchen was chosen to illustrate that everyone has different skills and only the synergy of these various talents will lead to an unique result.

The performance review results in a dialogue about further ways of development within the company. Together with his manager the HAVI employee figures out his talents in oder to discover and develop his potentials.

In order to enable the employee to occupy his new position at HAVI in the best way possible, a development plan defines which competencies he should work on. This works best 70% in the field, 20% via exchange of experiences and networks and 10% via classical forms of learning.

The protagonist in the HAVI film proactively helped to shape his own development and is now congratulated by his HAVI colleagues while he takes his new position in the restaurant kitchen. The metaphor helps the viewer to understand that the development of every employee within the company is individual and lays in their own hands.