Further references HOMAG
  • Engineering
  • Dialogfilm

Panel sizing technology Holzbronn is part of the HOMAG Group and has developed into the world market leaders in panel sizing technology within just 50 years. More than 420 employees work on the further development of saws and plant technology in order to always be able to offer the entire furniture industry a wide range of products and individual solutions.

As an expert in stand-alone machines, HOMAG knows that good machines make for good results. Nevertheless, HOMAG is simultaneously working on the claim of being able to offer innovative cutting solutions for already existing machines, in order to thus be able to meet the daily challenges of the customers with solutions.

One of these challenges is the growing pressure for automated and at the same time flexible production. These parameters are becoming more difficult to achieve due to the ever-increasing shortage of skilled workers and more individualized customer requirements. Step by step, HOMAG analyzes the individual production processes of its customers and focuses on process steps in order to be able to improve them sustainably - such as destacking, for example.

Stacking in particular is diverse in its requirements and possibilities, so there is no blanket recipe for an optimum stacking process. Rather, this must be defined by prior analyses in which machine configurations, destacking patterns and target orders must be clarified. Due to the time and effort involved, the project of destacking optimization initially appears daunting, which HOMAG would like to change: With the flexTec machine.

Daniel Loddenkemper
Senior Manager Product Marketing

"The film, designed and illustrated by DIALOGBILD, takes the viewer by the hand and guides them through an exemplary application situation of a customer. Based on the stringent and clear storyline, an audiovisual explanation is given of what working with HOMAG's flexTec machine looks like and what functions and advantages result from it. The medium of the dialog film is used here in two communication directions: HOMAG's customers are comprehensively informed about flexTec and have the opportunity to question and redefine their own productivity limits. HOMAG's salespeople, on the other hand, are able to use the dialog film to gain an overview of flexTec and pass on their newly acquired knowledge to their customers.