Further references Lufthansa
  • Aerospace
  • Dialograum

Football has made our hearts beat faster in the last year, even couch potatoes become feverish with Jogi’s guys, all of Germany was in a state of emergency. Lufthansa carries its enthusiasm with the winner plane into the world.

How can you use this enthusiasm and transfer it to the training routine at Lufthansa? This question was asked by Rüdiger Lauer, Speaker Training in Seeheim: "For many people, football is probably the most beautiful thing in the world. This topic offers a large number of metaphors that can easily be transferred into the workday and thus set sustainable anchor points. "Creativity should be workshops, team building measures are to trigger emotions, and exams be alive. So why not create a space in which all this is possible?

Since April 22, 2015 there is the Dialog Room in Seeheim, a place outside the daily routine. Here, a team can passionately face new challenges and playfully develop further. Who says that we can only become world champions in football? First Choice in Aviation, that is the goal of Lufthansa.

In the first "walk-in" dialog picture, a cooperation of the training and education management in Seeheim with the creative agency Dialogbild, the human being as player / employee, trainer / manager and as fan / customer is in the center. Framework conditions can be individually designed and strategic goals conveyed via the catchy theme of "football". Clear roles, defined tasks, flexibility, a common goal, good leadership, and attitude are the characteristics of a winning team.

Katharine Schnelting-Anslinger, Managing Director Commercial Lufthansa Training & Conference Center, bei der Eröffnung: “Auch für uns als Hotelbetrieb stellt der Dialograum eine Bereicherung dar. Wir sind sehr gespannt auf den angekündigten Parcours mit interaktiven Stationen für kreative Ideen. Durch innovative Möglichkeiten des Dialogs wird sich das Engagement der Mitarbeiter weiter erhöhen. Wir nehmen den neuen Dialograum sehr gerne in das Portfolio für unsere internen und externen Kunden auf.”

Martina Ahnert, Leiterin Trainings- und Ausbildungsmanagement: „Mit 7:1 hat Carsten Spohr eine Losung gewählt, deren direkte Nähe zum Thema Fußball eindeutig ist. Die Themen Kunde, Qualität, Wachstum, Steuerung, Effektivität, Kultur, Führung, Innovation und Effizienzsteigerung sind im Fußball ebenso zu Hause, wie in unserem Unternehmen. Diese Themen spielerisch im Dialograum zu bearbeiten, schafft eine emotionale Nähe und macht die Unternehmensziele zu den Eigenen. Um im Fußballbild zu bleiben, würde ich sagen: Die Wahrheit liegt auf dem Platz. Unser gemeinsames Ziel ist es Kunden zu Fans machen und das Stadion füllen. Ich glaube, in einem Siegerteam ist es eine Frage der Einstellung, nicht der Aufstellung.“

Rüdiger Lauer
Speaker Training People, Process & Performance Deutsche Lufthansa AG Training and Education Management
"An interactive dialog picture has already shown us how effectively and easily the topics of everyday professional life can be worked out. With the common idea of ​​the dialog room, a "walk-through dialog picture" was developed in which the employee is the focus. Strategic goals as well as corporate culture can be handled well on the topic of football. At the same time our wishes and ideas were well received by DIALOGBILD and further developed together. And the result speaks for itself. Trainers, presenters, guests and participants were equally enthusiastic and developed their own images beyond our own ideas. The truth is known to be on the pitch and that's where the game was decided so positively. I would like to thank all involved for the creative, flexible and trusting cooperation. "