Further references Kühne und Nagel
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Dialogfilm

Kuehne + Nagel is the global leader in seafreight. More than 8,000 seafreight specialists are on duty around the globe and handeled over 3.8 million TEU (containers) in 2015.

For the international shipping community a new regulation became effective worldwide on July 1st, 2016. The so-called “VGM” (Verified Gross Mass”) requirements were created in order to prevent major incidents and accidents resulting from overweight containers. Therefore, the new regulation will impact the communication, infrastructure and processes of all participants in the supply chain.

In order to help the shippers to comply with the new regulation and to give information about the specific implementation at Kuehne + Nagel, Kuehne + Nagel approached Dialogbild for creating a dialogue video for visual support.

Consequently Dialogbild created and produced a video that met the expectations of being informative about the new regulation and of being emotionally on eye-level with the target group.

During the short period of one month Dialogbild created and produced a video that met the expectations of Kuehne + Nagel Seafreight to explain the need and the easy declaration of VGM at the Kuehne+Nagel portal.

The VGM- dialogue video was produced in 11 international languages and got published on the specific Kuehne + Nagel websites and social media channels with more than thousands of views.

Maik Heunemann
Senior Manager Global Processes & Systems Sea Logistics

„New requirements of the „International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea“ (SOLAS) have raised many questions for the sea freight business. In order to emphasize the importance of the new regulation and to meet our obligation of information for our customers, exporters and shippers, we created a very successful scribble video with Dialogbild to clarify the process and to give answers and information. In the future we are looking forward to supporting new challenges with the visual possibilities and with the creative support of Dialogbild. We would like to thank the whole team of Dialogbild for the great cooperation.“

SOLAS implementation at Kühne + Nagel