The child protectors, together with the Dialogbild agency, have now developed an illustration that provides clear and concise information and explains basic rights in an understandable way. Although the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child cannot be enforced in court, the prohibition of corporal punishment and mental injury is laid down (§ 1631 of the German Civil Code), and children are also guaranteed the right to information and participation (§ 8 Para. 1 of Social Code Book VIII) and to confidential advice in emergency situations (§ 8 Para. 3 of Social Code Book VIII). In addition, every child has the right to be taken into care without giving reasons (§42 SGB VIII).
"It must be understood as part of the educational mission not to make violence and sexual abuse taboo but to openly mark it as wrong and punishable and to talk about it with children," says Rainer Rettinger. This is exactly where the dialogue picture comes in with its clear visual language.
The Children's Association believes that youth welfare offices in particular have a duty to inform children and adolescents about their rights. Practice shows that they are not informed of their rights to confidential counseling, to be taken into care, and to file complaints during risk assessment procedures and help plan discussions. Even on the homepages of many youth welfare offices one looks for this information in vain.
The German Children's Association (Deutscher Kinderverein e.V.) also demands that the legal right of all children who receive help with their upbringing to be informed about their rights of initiative and to have regular personal discussions in an environment suitable for children be safeguarded. Here, questions, wishes and dangers should be discussed with the specialist from the youth welfare office in child-friendly language and, as a rule, without parents.