With over 14.000 students, more than 70 courses and ten faculties at locations in Krefeld and in Mönchengladbach, the Hochschule Niederrhein is the second largest university of applied sciences in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Founded more than 150 years ago its traditions are deeply rooted in the region. Among its many outstanding attributes are strengths in application-related research as well as a practical scientific education. It is well-known as a family-friendly university.
Social trends, e.g. demographic change and the growing importance of information and communication are a challenge for all organizations. The Hochschule Niederrhein wants to actively shape this development. Therefore the university administration has named their vision „Becoming and Remaining an Attractive Employer in order to Provide Excellent Services.“ Thereby the presidium, faculties, students and other clients all receive the best service. A first step to safeguarding the future was taken through a kick-off-future-event held together with great involvement of the employees with issue-specific workshops. Those results were visualized in the HV 2020 dialog picture.
"During the implementation of our vision it was important for us to involve as many employees as possible. The innovative method of developing a dialog picture was just the right tool and helped to encourage active cooperation. The workshop′s participants were very dedicated and brought in many ideas – including for the visualization. It was exciting to watch the scenes being directly drawn. The appealingly illustrated „construction areas“ and the visualized target condition has created a basis for the working groups and project work for subsequent years.
The kick-off-future-event with the development of our HV2020-dialog picture was a successful start for our organizational development."
The manager with the leadership symbols „hat and blue sweater“ is startled by the old employee with the long beard. Currently, the demographic changes cannot be considered ideal.
The short-term employee thinks about their soon-to-end employment contract – time is running out fast. They worry about how to provide financing for their families. These employment relationships cause personal problems for individual employees but also problems for the university concerning quality, knowledge, effectivity and efficiency.
Elements of employee development do already exist at the Hochschule Niederrhein. These should be worked out as a PD-strategy and incorporated into a PD-system.
The manager with the leadership symbols „hat and blue sweater“ sets an example for healthy behavior. They participate in selected health activities and practice a healthy leadership style (e.g. motivation, appreciation etc.)