
Digitization brings diverse changes to companies and the world of work. There is hardly a company that does not align its strategy to the new, digital world and its possibilities. The changes are very different depending on the company. What they all have in common is that they have a great impact on the work environment of employees and thus on productivity and motivation.

In production one speaks already of the 4th industrial revolution. The “Industry 4.0” opens up new opportunities in the interaction between man and machine, data availability and networking of intelligent systems, such as the “Internet of Things”. In the service sector, e.g. In the banks, processes are digitized, entire sales models redesigned and IT landscapes harmonized in order to be able to offer customers across all channels a uniform and better service.

In the retail sector, merchandise management systems are being standardized and allow for faster and better cooperation worldwide due to directly available data. In the retail sector, merchandise management systems are standardized to speed up processes, improve collaboration, and provide access to consistent data and reporting.

When defining and implementing the digital strategy, all companies face the classic challenges of change situations. Especially because there is a lack of common understanding and the impact is very individual in each company and department. Success-critical factor is the right communication. We support you with our Dialogbild media. These allow you to show your employees what the “new world” is to the old, how it benefits, what the change is, and what the concrete transformation process is to the vision.

Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg Digitalisierung Strategiebild Visionsbild Leitbild Dialogbild Agentur für Visualisierung von Prozessen, Veränderungen und Visionen.

Logo der Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg




It’s important for Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg to take responsibility for public welfare. They act as strong partners for their customers, the economy and the region. The Kreissparkasse provide their customers with a long term consulting approach based on the Sparkassenfinanzkonzept, which is tailored to individual customer needs. Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg want to give them the opportunity to make autonomous financial decisions and help them choose the right products to fit their personal life planning. Kreissparkasse offer high-quality services at market-conforming prices and can be reached personally at 18 service branches throughout the business area. At a total of 16 SB locations the latest devices are available to their customers. Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg is committed to a resource-conserving and substance-conserving economy based on their guiding theme of austerity. ...

Otto Market Otto Group online shopping Leitbild Erklärbild Dialogbild Agentur für Visualisierung von Prozessen, Veränderungen und Visionen.




OTTO is the only former catalog retailer worldwide that has not only successfully made the leap into the digital world but has also managed to evolve.

With the OTTO ”Marketplace“, OTTO provides external merchants the opportunity to benefit from the online shop’s reach by selling their goods through the marketplace. OTTO developed a new transaction system that starts at the online shop and handles the shipping, including the option for returns. ...

Roche Diagnostics IT-Strategie Erklärfilm Scribblefilm Dialogfilm Dialogbild Agentur für Visualisierung von Prozessen, Veränderungen und Visionen.





Roche Diagnostics, the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics, has commissioned DIALOGBILD to develop a dialog film as part of the introduction of a new IT strategy. The dialog film serves for process optimization in the DOM area. The aim of the new strategy is to streamline measures and achieve goals more effectively.

Diagnostics Operations Mannheim, or "DOM" for short, ensures worldwide care for patients, laboratories and hospitals with diagnostic reagents and test strips.

To this end, DOM, the largest division with 1,800 employees within Global Diagnostics Operations at its two German sites in Mannheim and Penzberg, produces a wide variety of products for in-vitro diagnostics. ...