Further references Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg
  • Finance
  • Dialogbild

GOOD. For the customers.
GOOD. For the region.
GOOD. For the economy.

It’s important for Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg to take responsibility for public welfare. They act as strong partners for their customers, the economy and the region. The Kreissparkasse provide their customers with a long term consulting approach based on the Sparkassenfinanzkonzept, which is tailored to individual customer needs. Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg want to give them the opportunity to make autonomous financial decisions and help them choose the right products to fit their personal life planning. Kreissparkasse offer high-quality services at market-conforming prices and can be reached personally at 18 service branches throughout the business area. At a total of 16 SB locations the latest devices are available to their customers. Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg is committed to a resource-conserving and substance-conserving economy based on their guiding theme of austerity.

Stability of their economic structure, climate protection, adapting social systems to demographic challenges and lifestyle reviews in the face of scarce resources are important fields of action for Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg. An essential factor is also the social commitment of Kreissparkasse with significant donations and sponsorship volume in the entire district Herzogtum Lauenburg.

Kreissparkasse Herzogtum Lauenburg are the leading finance partner for small and medium sized companies as well as for self-employed workers in their region. In addition to long-term financing needs, liquidity is often a key requirement for timely order processing in small and medium-sized businesses. Kreissparkasse reliably secure the ability to act for these companies by providing working capital loans. As a strong partner of the region they also contributes to the stability of jobs in their business area.

Anne Wohlfahrt
Board of Management Services Corporate Communications

„When implementing our „Efficiency and Growth“ strategy, which will accompany us into the year 2020, it was important to us to take all employees along in the forthcoming measures. Change Management only works if everyone is on board.

We are using a dialog picture for the Second time to visual show our colleagues the way into the future and to enter into a dialogue with them about the planned measures and projects.

After the presentation, as part of a kick-off event, it is up to each individual to ask questions, present their suggestions and get involved in the change process, which is very well conveyed via the dialog picture. For me personale, it is a convincing way of communication - unusual for some but efficient.“