At the start of the year, we received a call from Leutkircher Bank eG in beautiful Allgäu. “We would like to find a new way to communicate our strategy," was the request. Not a problem for DIALOGBILD, so we worked with the bank to plan the visual communication of the new company strategy.
Mutual communication at eye level has always been very important to Leutkircher Bank eG, so we took the time to get to know the bank better over the course of several visits in order to understand the type of visualisation it needed. It became clear to us relatively soon after beginning the project that two key aspects could not be left out: the people and the relationship with the region.
The claim “A Bank by People for People” encompasses not only the mandate of the cooperative bank, it also demonstrates that Leutkircher Bank eG places people at the centre of its activities. With this picture in hand, we travelled to a joint workshop with the bank’s management to share our ideas and to implement the strategy in the form of images.
After a day full of constructive discussions, we assembled the framework for the subsequent dialogue picture. It was then up to us to build a complete picture appropriately based on these basic ideas. We succeeded in creating an image concept of the strategy, its impacts and the regional relationships as well as employees and customers.
Three months later, an image was completed that visually represents Leutkircher Bank eG as a collection of dedicated employees acting as a force for regional growth with a central customer orientation.
The dialogue picture was presented by the management board to a gathering of the bank’s employees. The department heads then delved deeper into their relevant topics, supported by an employee flyer that briefly describes the scenes.
"Last year, our bank created and passed a completely new strategy “Strategy 2020” during a strategy development process. While carrying out this process, we were repeatedly faced with the question of the best way to bring the new strategy home to everyone within the company – from the trainees all the way to the management board. After critical self-examination, we determined that we have only achieved limited success here in past years with the “typical” measures of communication in employee gatherings and events held at the management board and department head levels. With the newly established strategy, we wanted to employ a new method of communication, and in our search we discovered Dialogbild. In working on the project, we found Dialogbild to be extremely competent and goal-oriented. We entered into the project despite the fact that it was difficult for us as “bankers” to envisage the end result. In October 2015, we successfully completed the project – and we are very enthusiastic about it! A complex strategic topic was successfully translated into a tangible and comprehensible dialogue picture.”
In this scene, the senior executive manager places the company in the hands of his successor. This hand-off is supported by the advice of Leutkircher Bank, in particular the financial advisor and commercial advisor.
The implementation of a new strategy means a lot of work, both for the management team and the staff. Here, the management board is symbolically represented as a construction foreman. He pours the foundation of Leutkircher Bank with the new core strategy, ensuring a solid basis for the future.
Leutkircher Bank consists of four strategic business fields. These are personified by four bank advisors (from left to right: financial advisor, commercial customer advisor, private customer advisor, real estate advisor), who tell the story of the dialogue picture and act as the face of the bank for the customer.
This scene depicts the sales activity. A diverse product and service portfolio, here represented by a bouquet, is given to the bank advisor. Only through well-organised sales structures can the advisors provide thorough consultation directly to the customers.