As we develop dialog pictures, it was also important to us to create a dialog picture, which explains what we actually do. The result is our DIALOGBILD dialog picture. We employ it, to give a general introduction to the method in a personal introductory talk. The basic idea behind this dialog picture is that we show a company in two states. On the left, the actual state, where there are many challenges to master. And on the right, the target state, where we want to go. In between, a treach. We help the company with the right communication across the bridge to reach their vision.
Within the image, we have addressed all topics, which also focus on our cooperation with our customers. Accordingly, this dialog picture is also very well suited for presenting the method in your company. A detailed explanation of the scenes can be found in the interactive version and in a personal conversation with us.
An employee retires and takes his collected knowledge with him.
All information flows into the company-wide database. This way, precious knowledge is no longer lost.
The employees do not understand the management level and cannot understand decisions. Strategies, visions, changes are not lived together.
A moderator leads through the picture and encourages discussion. Employees better understand relationships, changes, processes and decisions - the basis for successful implementation.
This is the old version of our own dialog picture, which has been used for almost 10 years. Some content has changed, many new topics, areas of application and especially roll-out possibilities have been added.
Even your own dialog picture can be updated over time or completely re-created.