We were commissioned by Ingenics to provide a dialogue picture which would embody the lean principle of the firm as well as the optimization of internal operational processes. The goal was to represent the Ingenics strategy figuratively and to increase flexibility and quality along the process chains within all areas of the enterprise leading to greater productivity. The Ingenics strategy is symbolized by a DNA strand, in which the surroundings are the individual manufacturing plants. In order to visualize an internal operational sequence effectively so that all employees can easily grasp the contents of the Ingenics strategy, the following core areas were determined to be emphasized.
The Core Areas:
1. Increasing productivity, flexibility and quality throughout the process chains.
2. Highest efficiency in the execution of work on the project.
3. Safeguarding industry standards.
4. Continuous evaluation of all business levels.
5. Support and motivation of all coworkers.


The Ingenics employee is in continuous contact with customers in order to provide holistic care. They inspire their colleagues and clients not only with their passion for the work on the project, but also by identifying with the products of the customer and their high standards of professionalism.

An important goal of Ingenics AG is the optimization of operational processes. The image displayed shows an employee who changes the working processes for the customer and thus organizes them more efficiently and with greater cost savings.

In crisis situations Ingenics is always the first point of contact for its customers. Our symbol shows an enterprise which experiences difficult times. Luckily, Ingenics is only one push of a button away and is on hand with help and advice for its customers each and every time with advice and action.

The heart of Ingenics is the workers. They identify themselves with the firm and the Ingenics culture as well. This is, among other things, because of the flexibility of the employees. For example, HR will endeavor to organize projects according to the convenience of the employees’ locations. This also includes phases in which the employee can even work from home.