• Finance
  • Scribble Training

„Let me visualize this for you, please“ – from now on, the head of HR of EOS Holding GmbH might use this sentence more often. Trainings, leadership coachings or mediation – there are plenty of situations where you can communicate important content with sketches rather than with words.

Since not every HR coworker was born with artistic talent, EOS Holding looked for professional support from Dialogbild.

During a creative workshop in Hamburg, our illustrator introduced EOS Holding to the art of communicating with sketches and showed the participants the basic life hacks of business visualization.

Prior the workshop the main topics of our sketch training were customized to the individual needs and demands of EOS Holding. Our range extends from processes to symbols and icons, but for this HR-workshop the main focus was, of course, on the human figures. Our artistic novices learned how to sketch figures simply, symbolically or anatomically correctly.

But the main focus was on all different kinds of emotions. In situations of conflict between employees special attention has to be paid to posture, facial expression and gestures. During a mediation you can show this important information in simplified sketches. The solution of conflicts normally is not in the rational content of those disputes, but in emotional issues such as fears, wants and frustrations. Identification of everything involved is hard to express in words but reached through emotionally-laden images.

For implementing the sketch technique into their own daily lives at work, all the participants could apply their acquired knowledge at the end of the workshop with creating one flipchart page on a topic of their choice guided by individual feedback from our illustrator. „For all of us this workshop was a lot of fun and motivated us to create our own workshops with even more support of visualizations“, said Christoph Smak, Head of HR.

Christoph Smak
Senior Referent Human Resource Development Corporate Human Resources EOS Holding GmbH

„I have some drawing skills. But this workshop was really helpful to show some more life hacks which I will now use in the future. Very inspiring! Over one day even unskilled participants turned into artistic newbies. The workshop inspired us with totally new possibilities for visual communication and easy methods for implementing them in our work.“